Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Mother's Daughter

The other day I was threatening Denny, and realized just how much I am like my mother. I don't remember how the conversation started, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with HIM taking care of his stinky dog. I think it went something like this.

me - "the moment that thing bites my kids, i'll get rid of her"
denny - "then i'll get rid of you"
me - "pfft, i'll do it when you're at work"
denny - "i'll kill you"
me - "i'll feed her to you. you'll think its delicious, then ask where your dog is. and i'll tell you she's in your stomach"
denny - "you're a dick..."

(ok so fine, I wouldn't kill the dog. The idea of eating dog grosses me out, and I can't even kill large insects) A pet is a pet. We had oodles of them growing up, and at least half were bested by my mother. Including my turtle which she told me ran away, but really threw into the field behind our house.

Other reasons I am undoubtedly that crazy lady's offspring:

I pee with the door open. I have a 2 yr old that cannot open the door, and I want her to be able to come in if something is wrong. Denny is also quickly learning that closing the door just results in pounding little fists. (To this day, my mother still does this. It's just how we roll.)

When I go out into public, I simply have to make fun of people. Granted, I'm not as vocal as my mother is about it, but I still do it. Whenever we would go to family dinners, we would all end up being the loudest family there - laughing at all the people we saw.

I really don't give a hoot what people think of me. If someone is talking crap, sure I'll give them a piece of my mind, but I don't let it affect me. Who cares? I'm me, I'm awesome, that's all that matters.

Something that all 3 of us kids inherited, the tendency to speak our minds. We were taught to be fearless, if someone didn't like what we said, sucked to be them.

I craft. My mother had a craft/sewing room and it was always full of goodies.

When Denny doesn't want to eat what was made, I use the phrase "eat poop then." We were told this each and every time we whined about dinner, but in Spanish.

I have every intention of using El QuQui, La Vieja Blanca, and La Llorona to scare my kids into going to bed.

Most importantly, my children are my life. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for them.

Love you mom :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As i was reading your words i was laughting here at my work, the people i work with asked me whats so funny and i just replied to them, my kids.
I do remember all of what you are talking about, i do wonder if Jared same as Isaak do agree to your words :-P
Sometimes i do feel sad to be away from my grandbabies and tell them same things your guys grew up with, but at the same time i do remember Jared's words when he used to tell me he will not let his kids be babysit by a crazy grandma :-) I am not crazy, just unique like my kids!