Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Sun... It lives!

After God knows how much rain, the sun blessed us with its presence the last two days. I took advantage of the beautiful weather, and made a mad dash for the duckie park. My friend Monan met us there, and we spent a good 4 hours in the sun. How I love the sun. Sadly, I forgot I even had my camera with me.

We fed the ducks, or rather the seagulls. I only saw a handful of ducks, the pond had been taken over by those damned birds. Sophie thought it was down right hilarious to throw a piece of bread right at my feet, and see the birds swarm me. She is her father's child.

After we ran out of bread, we went back by the little stream, so Sophie could play with her bubbles. She is now pro at saying "bu-bo" (bubble) and "du" (duck). There weren't other people in the area with us, so the ducks didn't feel the need to hide. Sophie loved this. She would grab my finger and we chased after the numerous ducks. She didn't seem to get frustrated when she was outrun by them.

The coolest part of the day, freshly hatched baby duckies. Monan pointed them out, I never would have noticed myself. There was a mommy duck in a bush, with 10 little ducks surrounding her. I thought it was downright adorable. (yet again it didn't click in my head that I had a camera only 10 feet away) Sophie wanted me to grab one for her, she thought they were fascinating. My little girl sat there for a good 30 minutes just watching the duckies and saying 'hi' to each and every one.

I wish I was as easily fascinated as her. Kids really are amazing.

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