Thursday, June 18, 2009

Believe It Or Not... I EAT!

Everyone, I kid you not, everyone has something to say about my weight. So let's clear up a few things. Here are a handful of questions everyone thinks they have the right to ask me.

Q -Soooo... how much do you weigh?
Me - 110 pounds

Q -Soooo... do you wear size 1?
Me - No, I am not a stick, I wear size 5

Q -Soooo... do you eat?
Me - Quite often, this may seem crazy - but when I'm hungry, I eat.

Q -Soooo... does your child eat enough?
Me - Yes, like a horse. Question my mothering skills again, and I'll kill you.

Q -Soooo... do you throw up after you eat?
Me - No, I enjoy digesting my food.

Q -Soooo... do you exercise too much?
Me - No. I eat junkfood all day, then chase after a very active toddler. That is my exercise.

Q -Soooo... are you trying to gain weight?
Me - Not like its any of your business, but I am. I would like to fit into my hundreds of jeans that I saved from before I got preggo.

Q -Soooo... why are you so skinny?
Me - My body threw up every day for about 7 months, pregnancy did not agree with me. I lost 20 lbs before I gained any pregnancy weight. Such is life.

If you want to know something else, ask me. Don't assume, or I'll just assume that you are a complete ass. I do know I am skinny, I own mirrors. My husband sees me eat. Don't believe me? Then feel free to rummage through our trash for evidence. This is not directed to one person, because a good deal of you are guilty of asking these absurd questions. Don't bother apologizing, I'll just think you are full of shit. Just keep your jackass comments to yourself.

You have all been warned. The next person to ask me something stupid like the above questions, will get a foot up their ass. I realize some of you may just be 'concerned' but there are nicer ways of going about sensitive subjects. I am a mother, and I know that I need to take care of myself, so that I can take care of my daughter. Unless you are my mother, or can ask a question with out sounding like a prick, don't bother.

For all of you who keep your comments to yourself, or ask things nicely, thank you. For the rest of you - maybe you should take a look in a mirror and put down the Twinkies before you start judging me. It hurts just as much to be told you are sickly skinny, as it hurts to be told you are a fat ass. Keep that in mind.


Tasha said...

LOL! So I have long been jelous of how skinny you are eapecially when we had babies at the same time!However, I've seen your brother eat half of a Mcdonalds menu daily and contnue to fit into his 32x34 jeans for years so I'm pretty sure its a family thing! They only ask those questions cause they're jelous too! Just enjoy it while you have it cause someday your metabolisim will catch up with you and you'll have to actually watch what you eat! Just ask Jared, he's getting FAT! Sweet justice!

Lexi said...

hahaha! sweet justice indeed.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm tell me WHO is asking such Qs and I will tell Manuel so he can fix some visits from THE Salvatruchas to the'Enquiring' minds. tell them you just eat ONE grape!

Mary said...

Wow That's freaking awesome that people would do that! Of course you eat.....I would love to be as skinny as you! People are just dumb...and sadly we have to put up with the dumbassness! Sorry to hear that!