Friday, June 19, 2009

Popcorn Kernals + Toddlers = Gross

As most mom's do, I often have to fish things out of my child's mouth. Whenever I know she put something in there, I stick my hand under her chin, and she spits the object out. She is now under the impression that my hand is a garbage can. Often times when she decides that she is done chewing something, she takes my hand, and spits the food out. Ew, right?

Earlier today I fot Iund out that she can now reach up onto our counter. I had a bowl of popcorn sitting up there, and went to sew. Sophie was watching Dora the Explorer (like she does every day), bu didn't see her get up. I found her in the kitchen stuffing her face with popcorn.

A few minutes later, I noticed she had something in her mouth. I stuck out my hand, and a blob of corn kernels fell into my hand.
She just looked at me and smiled. The little turd.

1 comment:

Tasha said...

and who said being a stay at home mom was boring! We get to do lots of fun things! LOL!