Monday, December 22, 2008

The "Joys" of Winter

Let me start off by saying I HATE the cold. Winter is by far my least favorite season. Last Friday I took Isaak and Sophie to the post office so we could mail off Christmas gifts. On the way back home we were going about 20 mph because I hate driving in the snow. Then a wonderful woman decided to try and brake once she got to a stop sign, instead of fanning the break sooner. The stupid woman went right through the stop sign and crashed right into us. The truck bounced off and went into the oncoming traffic, lucky everyone was able to stop before we got hit again. Sophie didn't even notice, and no one was hurt. So I pulled off to the side of the road and the police came. An hour later I was able to take a very cranky Sophie home. I will never drive in the snow again.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well my pretty Alexis you will die here in South Lake Tahoe, today we got 25 inches of FRESH snow!!!!!!!

it was horrible coming to work but I didnt bother me at all. and you will not believe, there were soooooooo many TOURISTS walking!!!!!!!!!!!!