Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Tooth!

8 1/2 months and I finally feel her first tooth breaking through! Huzzah! We were at Wal-Mart yesterday, and on the ride home I was making her giggle. I noticed a little white speck on her gums, so being a concerned mother, what did I do? I shove my finger in her mouth, of course. I felt the little tooth! So she will probably be extra crabby for the next few days. I've also been trying to get her to drink from a bottle since July. And on the ride home I have her a bottle of pear juice and she drank a good two ounces. :) It was a good night.

1 comment:

Tasha said...

YEAH! I was kinda worried about Katie cause MEliie had her first tooth at 4 mo, but I've heard thats not normal. She finally broke her first one at almost 8mo and they just keep comming!!! Can we say grumpy!