Monday, September 22, 2008

Sippy Success!

For months I have been trying to get her to drink ANY liquid from ANY kind of cup or bottle. Every attempt was a failure. The other night I was babysitting some kids, one was a 10 month old. She saw his sippy cup and the floor and stole it.
So being the great mommy I am, I went and bought her one just like it. I put some apple juice in, handed it to her, and crossed my fingers. She picked it up and went to town! Now we can slowly back out of nursing. Joy! Needless to say, I'm excited.

I snapped these pictures while she was laying on the floor watching tv. There should be another video at the bottom of the page. Its of Sophie attacking the camera.

1 comment:

Tasha said...

Wahoo! I've kept a sippy full of juice around for Katie so she gets used to it and starts using it. However, I discovered on Friday that Melody has been sneaking sips of Katies juice because she only gets it at meals. The way I discovered this is I put formula in the sippy and gave it to Katie. A few minutes later I hear Mellie coughing and gagging. I come in the room to check on her and she's trying to wipe her tounge off with her hand! She had taken a big gulp from the sippy! She said 'yuck mom, Katie has icky milk!' I couldn't stop laughing at the look on her face!