Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year

This past year varied from absolutely horrible to completely wonderful...

We celebrated 3 years of marriage.

I got pregnant.

I learned to crochet.

Both of our mothers got remarried.

Sophie switched from diapers to the potty.

My world was completely torn apart.

I asked for help.

We bought our first house.

Mama and Papa went back to Mexico.

I finally started using manual on my camera.

Denny got a pay raise.

Mya was born.

Sophie turned 3.

Many more things happened. I'm proud to say that I am stronger. I realized that I need to take care of myself, because no one else is going to do it for me. You need to love yourself, before you can love anyone else.

Good year. Hopefully this year is a tiny bit less stressful. :)

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