Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me

My birthday was on the 11th, and it was pretty darn good. We woke up, Denny took the dog out, got the laundry going, and made breakfast. I didn't have to do anything, it was delightful.

We went out to dinner with Denny's mom, then went to see the movie Observe and Report- ALONE! Since Sophie was born, we have been on 5 dates. That is 5 dates in 15 months. I always hated leaving Sophie, she was so attached to me that she would literally scream from the moment I left, until I came home.

I finally worked up the nerve to leave Sophie with Grandma Tina about 2 weeks ago. The entire time I just pictured my poor baby crying. Once we got back to the apartment, I braced myself for the worst. Tina told me Sophie didn't even notice we left, and only cried a few minutes. ...FREEDOM! I'm so glad we can finally go out and Sophie won't think its the end of the world - that is by far the best gift ever.

I also got gifts from Tina, Grandma Horton, my dad, Isaak, my mom, and Denny. Thank you all, for an awesome birthday. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you get to enjoy MY gift ;0) If Tasha and I lived near you, we could all of us go and take the "classes"