Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tahoe - part 4

Since this is the last post of our Tahoe trip, 
I figured I could actually try and make the pictures pretty. :)

We spent a LOT of time at the beach, 
I'm fairly certain we went at least once a day.

The girls loved it, can you blame them?

It is just so relaxing to listen to the little waves splash up.

Sophie's favorite part was climbing up the giant rocks.

Mya's favorite was either jumping over the "waves,"

or the ducks.
This little fellow wasn't shy at all, I could have easily reached out and touched him.

Just because they are cute, here are Mya's little toes.

More exploring in the rocks.

Sophie set various things "free" into the lake.
Big ass pine cones, rocks, wood, etc.

At one point Sophie was collecting tiny rocks in her pockets.
Mya was annoyed to find that her pants were pocket-less.

She improvised.

Who needs pockets when you have diapers?


Attack the mom.

There was also a little playground on the beach.

For our last night in Tahoe, we took a quick walk over to one of the big hotels.

And hit the arcade!

disclaimer: I detest on-camera flash, but sometimes you just have to deal with it.

Mya went ape shit for ski ball.
At one point she even bit Sophie while trying to get more balls from her.
Sisterly love.

Mya also enjoyed ripping off all the tickets... one by one.
That made for a fun time trying to get them all counted up.

We all had a good time, and played games hardcore.

Both of the girls won jackpots.

At one point Sophie won 1,000 tickets. :)


Armed with our 2,000+ tickets, and we hit the little prize stand.
The girls collected a bag of nonsense items and we called it a night.

Thank you SO much to my mom and Manuel for inviting us out there, and helping with the costs.
We love you both so much, and cannot wait to see you again!

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