Monday, October 29, 2012

Halloween Hoopla - part 1

I make our costumes every year.

Because I am awesome.

And store bought costumes are lame.
And I just like to make shit.

I was all set to have us be characters from the show Adventure Time.
I sketched up everything, and had an idea of what fabrics I needed.

*enter Sophie*

"I want to be Pokemon!"



I had to remind myself that Halloween is for the children.

Anywho, here are the girls' costumes

Sophie is Flareon.

Mya is Charmander.

Prepare to scroll through tons of pictures.



Mya was a turd and wouldn't hold still.


Random cuteness.



My kids are just too darn cute.

Saturday evening was the church Halloween Carnival.

I knew that the girls would enjoy it, so I was determined to go.

I greatly underestimated just how awkward it would be.
You see, several things happened, and we stopped going to church last spring.

Being the awesome parents we are, we trudged through the forced smiles, stink eye glances, and all together avoided eye contact.

At one point, sitting alone at our little table, I had the intense urge to just grab the girls and run out the doors.

At least were the handful of delightful people that I genuinely like, and I'm glad I got to see them.

Sophie got her face painted, and all put exploded with happiness.
 Mya hoarded the beanbags from the beanbag toss.

Denny played with the camera while Mya freaked out.
"Would you smile?"
"Is that why you look so happy?"

Sunday afternoon we got to work turning our pumpkins into works of art.

 For those of you wondering...
Yes, Denny is indeed shirtless 90% of the time.



I will try to snap some more pictures on Halloween.
At least of our costumes. :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

I Have Sympathy for Addicts

No wonder crack addicts never want to stop.
This is pure hell.

Over the past 2 weeks, I have been weaning myself off of Zoloft.
Weaning should make it easier right?

As of last Sunday, I am completely anti-depressant free.
Dear God, what was I thinking?

I keep reminding myself of all the reasons I decided to stop:
  • I detest medication and think it is completely abused nowadays
  • my goal was to be pill free by December
  • we plan to make baby #3 next year, and Zoloft can really screw up a fetus
  • a therapist once told me that I would be on medication the rest of my life, I have every intention of proving him wrong.
  • I'm stubborn
  • etc.

Every day I tell myself:
 "It's ok, you've hit bottom now. This withdrawal can't possibly get any worse, tomorrow will be easier."
Thus far, not the case.

I get intensely annoyed at everyone and everything.
I have had a constant headache for the past 2 weeks.
My body feels weak, tired, and drained.
My dreams are absurd.
I want to cry, scream, and laugh all at once.

I wouldn't be able to power through this, if it wasn't for my darling little family.

Sophie has been a doll.
She distracts Mya, keeping her busy so that I don't feel like I'm going to fall apart.

Right when I feel as if I am going to snap, Mya gives me hugs and kisses.

Denny, poor sweet Denny.

The other day I had made lasagna for dinner.
In my attempt to crazy the tray of lava over to the table, the container gave way and toppled onto the floor. For several moments, I just stared at the bright red sauce all over my floor and wall, wanting to cry.

"Too bad you dropped it, mom." Sophie innocently called from her chair at the table.
I took a deep breath, scooped up the remaining food, stepped over the mess, and had dinner with my girls. Once Denny got home he stared at the gory scene, obviously amused. Without uttering a single sarcastic word, he grabbed a wet rag and cleaned up the mess.

How I love him. :)

He has been nothing but supportive through my snippy comments, bursts of uncontrollable laughter, and other insane moments.

note to family: Don't worry, I am not losing my mind. The crazy comes in waves, at times I feel fine. I love you all. Thank you for being so concerned about me. :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tahoe - part 4

Since this is the last post of our Tahoe trip, 
I figured I could actually try and make the pictures pretty. :)

We spent a LOT of time at the beach, 
I'm fairly certain we went at least once a day.

The girls loved it, can you blame them?

It is just so relaxing to listen to the little waves splash up.

Sophie's favorite part was climbing up the giant rocks.

Mya's favorite was either jumping over the "waves,"

or the ducks.
This little fellow wasn't shy at all, I could have easily reached out and touched him.

Just because they are cute, here are Mya's little toes.

More exploring in the rocks.

Sophie set various things "free" into the lake.
Big ass pine cones, rocks, wood, etc.

At one point Sophie was collecting tiny rocks in her pockets.
Mya was annoyed to find that her pants were pocket-less.

She improvised.

Who needs pockets when you have diapers?


Attack the mom.

There was also a little playground on the beach.

For our last night in Tahoe, we took a quick walk over to one of the big hotels.

And hit the arcade!

disclaimer: I detest on-camera flash, but sometimes you just have to deal with it.

Mya went ape shit for ski ball.
At one point she even bit Sophie while trying to get more balls from her.
Sisterly love.

Mya also enjoyed ripping off all the tickets... one by one.
That made for a fun time trying to get them all counted up.

We all had a good time, and played games hardcore.

Both of the girls won jackpots.

At one point Sophie won 1,000 tickets. :)


Armed with our 2,000+ tickets, and we hit the little prize stand.
The girls collected a bag of nonsense items and we called it a night.

Thank you SO much to my mom and Manuel for inviting us out there, and helping with the costs.
We love you both so much, and cannot wait to see you again!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tahoe - part 3

We spent most of our mornings walking around the area.

We went to visit all the little shops around town.

There was an alpaca store, everything was sooooo soft.

This horse had a little sign that read  "DO NOT SIT ON"
Grandma scoffed at it. "Well you can stand on it! Let me help you on!"

We also met my mom for lunch.

Nothing says "healthy" like a banana split.

Like all good grandmothers, my mom grossly spoils her grandbabies whenever she sees them.

Our girls came home with tons of cuteness.
Including some fun new boots and shoes.

I handed the camera over to Denny several times on the trip.
I wanted to enjoy myself.

I should have known better.
There were at least 10 pictures of my rear.

How the girls love their grandma.

"Grandma looks like a blueberry!" - sophie
"She does!" - denny

"Mom, you look like a blueberry!" - sophie

Perhaps I will shy away from fruit-colored shirts from now on.

Just outside the Marriott, there was a huge rock fountain.
If you recall, my children are part fish.
They instantly fell in love with it.

Looky, I'm in a picture!

All around area were these giant painted bikes.
Weird, but the girls enjoyed them.

"Do not climb on bike."

Cute snuggles.

Next time, I will post pictures of the girls playing at the beach! :)
