Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Updates on Life

I haven't posted much.

I have been on a bit of a crazy streak.
I didn't want to scare off all of our family and friends with my insane rambling.

Here are a few updates on us.

Mya has a billion teeth.
Daddy is her favorite person in the world.
All day she wanders around the house muttering "daddy?"
She discovered that not only she, but mommy, daddy, and Sophie all have butts. 
(disclaimer: you may be fondled by my toddler if you visit us anytime soon)

Sophie is as awesome as she usually is.
She enjoys doing everyone's makeup.
She is my awesome little helper.
Her favorite game to play is "family."

 Denny is my giant hairy ball of stress.
The poor thing.
He continues to do all he can to make our little family happy.
How the girls and I love him.

I have joined a soccer team. We are the Bee's Knees. We are awesome.
I started applying for evening/weekend jobs so that I can save for us to move.
I continue to be crazy cakes.

We just take one day at a time.
We try not to worry about messes, and instead focus on making memories.

And that's about it.

1 comment:

Jaimieeeee said...

Good luck on getting a job. :) I am trying to get one too! Where are you moving? :'( Awwww, Mya butt groping is cute and funny.