Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Day

Happy Valentine's Day! :)

We celebrated yesterday, we're rebels like that.

Denny came home with oodles of gifts.
I got roses & the newest Twilight movie.

The girls each got their own flowers.


He also brought us food from Olive Garden... mmmm.

After taking an hour to get Sophie to sleep, I came downstairs to watch my movie with Denny.
He lasted a whole 30 seconds before he started making snide comments.
He was banished from the couch.

Today it was a balmy 50 degrees out.
The girls and I decided we needed some fresh air and walked to the park.


Aaaand my photo for the week- Linear.



Phreggs said...

Come on now, I was able to watch almost 10minutes before I was banished.

Anonymous said...

its so cute that Denny got flowers for ALL of you!

It that the park by dad's home?

I do like Sophie's makeup :P

Mikey aka John said...

I need a new post! Its almost the end of the week...

Heather said...

Hi I’m Heather! Please email me when you get a chance! HeatherVonsj(at)gmail(dot)com