Sunday, November 14, 2010

Another Reason Why I'm Awesome

I become slightly obsessed. Crafts, video games, books... it's just what I do. I like to do things from start to finish. Examples:
  • reading the entire Twilight series in less than a week
  • Mario Brothers, Sims 3, Spore, Kameo
  • mass producing tiny cloth diapers
And now this-
my project for the weekend.

I made Sophie a "mommy" set for Christmas.
On the left is a baby bassinet, and on the right is her very own diaper bag.

Inside the diaper bag is:

A set of diapers & wipes.

The wipes and wipe case.

Baby modeling one of the diapers.

A quilt and pillow. ...yes, I actually quilted the quilt. (and the bassinet, and the diaper bag... don't judge me)

Baby in the bassinet.

(I got the tutorial for everything from here.)

I was really excited about getting all of this done, what with the new baby on the way. This way Sophie can take care of her baby, and feel like a big helper. Plus, the stuff is freakin adorable.

1 comment:

Myya said...

Those are awesome!!! You should sell them!