Saturday, September 12, 2009


There is just no winning for Sophie lately. She's been constipated, has 4 teeth coming in, and her little nose has been runny for days. Needless to say... her sleep has suffered. She started waking up around 2 or 3, and staying away until 5 or 6. Its HORRIBLE! I generally wake up with her and if she doesn't fall asleep within two hours or so, I go wake Denny and hand her off to him.

Last night she popped up at 2, climbed on our bed, and screamed. I took her out and turned on Spongebob. Around 4 she got really cranky, so I figured it was time to wake daddy. Being the lovely man he is, he deals with her shenanigans so I can get some much needed rest.

About 9:45 this morning I woke up and didn't see Sophie laying next to me. My heart skipped a beat, but I figures Denny had just laid her in her bed. (which is on the floor by the foot of ours) I looked, but no Sophie. My heart stopped. Then I noticed that Denny wasn't in the room either.

I walked into the living room to find them snuggling on the couch. Both passed out. :)
Denny had started to wake up when I turned on the camera. And once I snapped the pictures, Sophie jumped up too. (ignore that he is in his pacman panties) I just adored finding them like that.


Phreggs said...

I was so freakin tired

Tasha said...

Jared would've killed me f I had posted a pic of him in his undies! You have a very understanding hubby!

Lexi said...

Pfft, i post what i want!

Mary said...

Love the undies Denny!!!

Sophie said...

Haha. That's too cute.