It is no secret that I loath public schools, especially those here in Utah.
Many of my school years were spent here, and there was no challenge whatsoever.
Not to toot my own horn, but I'm a fast learner. I pick something up, and quickly want to move on to the next thing. With my love of knowledge, I did amazingly well in school.
That is, until I got bored.
Waiting for the slower children to catch up was never much fun.
When my family moved from Ohio back to Utah my interest in school was obliterated.
I went from Honors English, Chemistry, and large amazing choir...
to Basic English (there was only one level for the grade), Earth Science (which I learned in the 6th grade), and a choir where everyone was accepted (some people just cannot sing.)
The idea of homeschooling first appealed to me when my sister in law announced that she was planning on going that route. The over achiever in me went into research mode and learned the following about children who are home-schooled:
1 - they are generally better socialized
2 - they are smarter
Yes, please!
Much to my dismay, Sophie has recently been dead set on going to public school. Like any 5 year old, she wants to do what all the other kids are doing. Without much grace on my part, I agreed to take her to the kindergarten round up for our local elementary. I hated it, and still do.
Denny kindly reminded me that our parenting style is to respect our child and her wishes.
Begrudgingly, I filled out all of the stupid enrollment papers. I agreed to let her try out the "summer school" they have to let kids get used to the idea of school. If she still wanted to attend after that, we would discuss it.
Fast forward to about 8:00 this morning.
I finished reading my sister in law's blog about how much she loved homeschooling.
Despite the fact that I had nothing but doing laundry planned for the day, I decided we would have our first day of homeschooling.
That way Sophie could experience both homeschooling and public school and decide which she liked best.
Enjoy the pictures of our successful day.
Fish graphs.
Alphabet match.
Mya wandered in and out of the room as she pleased.
Sophie was super excited as we went from one activity to the next.
It was lovely.
And just because they are adorable, here are the girls in their new swimsuits.
Yep, I made them.
And this one is just too cute.
Denny and Mya playing games last night while I finished up some sewing.