Thursday, June 30, 2011

Piloff :(

Every morning, we eat breakfast, then head downstairs to watch cartoons for a bit.

This morning, I found Piloff laying there with her head in her food bowl. If she hadn't of twitched, I would have thought she was dead. She hadn't really eaten any of the food I gave her, and just looked wrong.

So we loaded up the car and took her to the vet. Piloff died on the way there. :( I didn't really know what to do at first. I informed the lady behind the desk that I didn't want to upset Sophie, and she offered to just take Piloff. I figured this might upset her even more, so we just took her with us.

Leaving the vet's.
sophie "are we going to another doctor?"
me "no baby, we're going to go home"
sophie "but Piloff is sick"
me "i know sweetie, i don't think she's going to get better. she's going to heaven"
sophie "but why"
me "she is too sick, she's going to die and go to heaven"
sophie *slow pout* "...but i don't want her to die"

I put Sophie in the car and let her hold Piloff on the drive home, she sniffled the whole way. I cried like a baby, Sophie just looked so heartbroken.

We got out of the car and she started crying. It was so awful, not like tanrum angry cries, she was so sad. I snuggled her outside for a good 10 minutes while Mya napped.

me "it's ok, she's with Heavenly Father now"
sophie "but i want her to get better"
me "she's happy in heaven now, we can bury her in our garden and keep her with us"
sophie "but i don't want to, i want to wait for daddy"
*more crying*

The day couldn't possibly get worse right?

I opened the door, and heard a toilet seat drop. Unless an intruder was using the potty, that meant Moose had escaped... again.

1 - she literally ripped up a chunk of my carpet & padding. staples included
2 - the kitchen trash was spread in every room upstairs
3 - she pooped in the front room
4 - she all but killed my aloe vera plant

I instantly wanted to stab her in the face. Like today wasn't crappy enough without her shenanigans. I threw her outside and went downstairs.

5 - the downstairs trash was everywhere
6 - her kennel door was completely bent, now unusable

Hate dog. Also because of our delightful neighbors, I can't even leave her outside. Someone called Animal Control on us because she barks. Really? She's a dog, they bark. andfilasjdflK!J

My friend, Claire, let us come over so Sophie could play with her daughter. It was a much needed highlight to our day. They had fun in the little pool, and the dogs got to play too.

We got in the car to go home.
sophie "are we not going to put Piloff in the garden?"
me "we'll do it when we get home, daddy is there now"
sophie "but can we do it tomorrow?"

When we got home, Denny had already dug a little grave for Piloff, and picked some flowers for Sophie. Earlier that day I had Sophie draw Piloff a picture and we put it in the box with her. She also drew on the box before we put it in the ground.


It wasn't even that Piloff had died. Sure it would make me sad, but pets die, life goes on. It was how sad it made my poor little Sophie. :( Her being so unhappy just ripped me to pieces.

sitting by the little grave
sophie "i want piloff to get better some day"
me "i know sweetie"
sophie "is she going to come back?"
me "we'll see her in heaven some day"
sophie "can we go to heaven?"

She keeps asking randomly if Piloff will be back soon, or if medicine will make her feel better. It was all just so sad. We went out for ice cream after that. Being little, I'm hoping she'll just bounce on to something new.


I'll just have to make tomorrow extra fun.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Surf n Swim

We spent Saturday at Surf n Swim.
Sophie was horrified by the waves at first, but eventually started enjoying herself.


We had lots of fun. :)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day

Denny got 2 gifts for Father's Day:

1- a dog from me
2 - a snail from Sophie

Thanks to my friend, Claire, we found out about Color Me Mine. This little store on 25th has oodles of ceramic thingamabobs.
You pick out a thingamabob.
Paint said thingamabob.
They fire it for you.
And you pick it up a few days later.

Sophie chose a snail.


It proudly sits on Denny's desk.

Sophie & Moose

This worm thing from Carters = hours o fun.
While Mya napped today, Sophie and Moose ran around the yard.



Sophie trying to eat the water like Moose.

While we were playing outside, the mail came.
In said mail was the hat I got for Sophie.


After playing we all relaxed outside.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Abuela's Birthday

For Abuela's birthday, we made a vanilla cake with whipped cream frosting... mmmmmmm.

We hung out for a bit while we waited for Abuelo and Papa to get back from the store.

Isaak played ponies with Sophie.

Sophie helped blow out the candles.

Daw :) They are the cutest couple ever.

Abuelo got her a fancy bracelet, and earrings.

Abuela loves the bling. :)


Papa's Birthday

My dad is ooooooold.

Sophie and I make cakes/cupcakes/brownies from scratch for birthdays.
For my dad we made a banana cake... mmmm.

Sophie made him a card.
She's big on making cards. And since I have about $1,000 worth of scrapbooking nonsense, she has an endless supply of paper & stickers.

Abuela also made him a carrot cake, so we all got two pieces. :D

Sophie has gotten pretty pro at blowing out candles. She got them out before Papa had a chance.


After cake, Papa and Sophie played marbles.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wife Win!

I know, I know.
I'm guessing you've all seen the picture on Denny's facebook.
I wasn't going to say anything until we were for SURE keeping her, but oh well.

"No more pets."
Can you tell I'm strong willed?

Denny loves pets. Coincidentally the ones I don't like. Big dogs, cats, ferrets, and so on. Most weeks he'll send me 1-10 ads for pet listing on KSL classifieds. My response for the past 7 months has been a consistant "no."

It has been impossible to find the right pet for our family.
All the cats were evil, and hated me. Pumpkin was the only acceptable one.
Achilles nearly died, then lost his house-trained-ness. (plus we were in a tiny apartment)
Medva ran away EVERY time I let her out.

I've always told Denny that I only ever want puppies, because then we can train them. When adopting someone else's dog, they can lie (much like a lady did with a cat we got). Turns out I hate training dogs, I already have 2 kids, I don't want another baby.

Denny has been breaking through my "no pets" wall lately.
My requirements were:
- good great with kids (like child climbing all over dog)
- house-trained
- small-med sized (i don't want to fall over if it tries to jump on me)
- not an aggressive breed
- good family dog breed
-no barking/growling

I should have known better than to agree, because he found a dog that worked.
I had planned to find him a pet for Father's Day anywho.

Smokey a 1.5 yr old German Shepard. She is smaller because she got parvo as a puppy and it stunted her growth. She is house trained. And in her ad picture she had a 7 month old baby pulling on her face.

I agreed to go SEE the dog (emphasis on SEE). If she was right for us, we could take her. I'd never admit it to him, but she isn't bad. And so far, I don't hate her yet. :P Plus I know how happy it makes him to have a dog. She is also very loving. Denny also agreed to sign a "this is the last pet I will buy" agreement.

I'm a good wife for making compromises to make my family happy. What WHAT!

So here she is. The other woman.
Denny "where do you want to put her kennel"
me "where the old one was. why, where do you want it?"
denny " don't want to know"
me "...?"
denny "...our room"
me " why?"

denny "mark my words, when this dog dies, i will cry"

me "you know we can take her camping and stuff"
denny "oh i know"
me "have you already planned out our whole life with her?"
denny "yes."

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Sophie making Mya laugh at dinner.

Mya giggling at breakfast.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tumbling Show

Brace yourself for oodles of pictures with horrible lighting! :)
Denny did get video, but I'll get that loaded later.


Yesterday was Sophie's Tumbling Show!
She did awesome, even though she was shy at first.




Front roll.


Jazz hands :)


Getting her medal.







High five.


Family came to support her.


Her teachers. She loves them.


Sunday, June 5, 2011


This morning 3/4 of our family woke up all booger filled and with headaches. Yaaaay.

By the time we weren't dying anymore, church was over halfway through.
I felt bad that Sophie didn't get to go to Primary, so we went outside for some family bonding.


Sophie and I made mud art.


Sophie and daddy played with the hose/pool/water balloons.


More mud.


Mya hung out with daddy while Sophie and I got dirty.
