Our little Christmas tree, decorated with the super awesome ornaments we made this year.
The stockings.
Super awesome advent calendar (that I made the week before Dec). You'll want to click that picture to see all the ornaments.
Stupid cat. (Yes, I replaced the dog with a cat. Strange, coming from someone who hates cats. As much as I loved chasing after her in the snow, I simply wasn't going to do it once we had the baby. Her running off just got ridiculous.)
Sophie was a pain in the ass ALL morning. After 2 hours of tantrums and being put into time out 3 times, she finally stopped. Then didn't want anything to do with her gifts. I convinced her to open them by telling her that she had pink blocks hiding in one of the packages.
All month she's been asking me for them. This is the face she made when she finally found the magical blocks.
All the other gifts weren't nearly as fascinating to her. She'd open one, say thank you, kiss me, and throw it aside looking for the blocks.
At least she liked those. :P
The mommy set I made her.
A buttload of new leggings I made the night before.
A minky blankie. I also made a pink and brown one for Mya. They match! :D
The robe I made her.
New bath letters, bath crayons, and a ridiculous amount of play-doh.
Jammies that I literally crawled on the floor for during Black Friday, and a little peg game she wanted from JoAnns.
Denny was not allowed to touch the pink/purple blocks. All he got were blue.
My gifts. :D
The bracelet Denny got me. DIAMONDS BITCHESES!
All the fabrics and such I got on Black Friday. I heart my fabrics.
Denny and I both got these. I could eat millions...
While Denny was on his trip, Sophie and I stenciled a bunch of shirts for him.
Captain Hammer's shirt from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Robot evolution
Protoss from StarCraft.
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock from The Big Bang Theory
Minmatar from Eve.
Then Sophie picked a few shirts for him from Hot Topic.
Bioshock. She actually knew what a Big Daddy was... poor nerd child.
MineCraft. We also made him a Creeper shirt (her absolute favorite) but I guess I forgot to get a picture of it.
I made him a minky pillowcase, since the man loves minky.
Yay, Christmas!
Later that day Grandma Tina and the girls came by with another round of gifts.
I'll apologize in advance, I have yet to get pictures of the gifts. I planned to do it the next day... and then Mya came. All our Christmas gifts are still spread about our front room.
I also have yet to finish the gifts for the girls, which were also going to get done the next day. Yay for unexpected labor!
Melissa got Sophie a bag that you can color. She loves it.
Awesome princess Polly Pockets.
We got lots of wonderful stuff from them.
Sophie - Snow suit, gloves, & coat. Tea set that you paint. Shrinky dinks. Piggy bank that you paint. Penguin nighty.
Me - Makeups! Bath gel/spray/lotion. Jewelery. 2 purple sweaters.
Denny - Plaid shirt. tshirt. Monies. Pjs.
Mya - bunches o cute clothes
(Sorry if I forgot anything, I have yet to go back through all the stuff in that room.)
Also a quick thank you to Grandma Horton (Denny's grandma) for the money she sent out. We were able to get a cute carseat. :)
And thank you to my daddy for the money he gave us as well.
Then we headed to Papa's house for dinner.
By then Sophie was a present opening pro, so she assisted them.
The shirt I stenciled for Isaak.
And dad.
Sophie wearing her little Dora snuggie-type thing she got from Papa. Who woulda thought that she'd be a big sister in less than 24 hrs...
Thank you to everyone. Wish you could have all been here. Hope everyone had wonderful a Christmas as well. :)
The stockings.
Super awesome advent calendar (that I made the week before Dec). You'll want to click that picture to see all the ornaments.
Stupid cat. (Yes, I replaced the dog with a cat. Strange, coming from someone who hates cats. As much as I loved chasing after her in the snow, I simply wasn't going to do it once we had the baby. Her running off just got ridiculous.)
Sophie was a pain in the ass ALL morning. After 2 hours of tantrums and being put into time out 3 times, she finally stopped. Then didn't want anything to do with her gifts. I convinced her to open them by telling her that she had pink blocks hiding in one of the packages.
All month she's been asking me for them. This is the face she made when she finally found the magical blocks.
All the other gifts weren't nearly as fascinating to her. She'd open one, say thank you, kiss me, and throw it aside looking for the blocks.
At least she liked those. :P
The mommy set I made her.
A buttload of new leggings I made the night before.
A minky blankie. I also made a pink and brown one for Mya. They match! :D
The robe I made her.
New bath letters, bath crayons, and a ridiculous amount of play-doh.
Jammies that I literally crawled on the floor for during Black Friday, and a little peg game she wanted from JoAnns.
Denny was not allowed to touch the pink/purple blocks. All he got were blue.
My gifts. :D
The bracelet Denny got me. DIAMONDS BITCHESES!
All the fabrics and such I got on Black Friday. I heart my fabrics.
Denny and I both got these. I could eat millions...
While Denny was on his trip, Sophie and I stenciled a bunch of shirts for him.
Captain Hammer's shirt from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Robot evolution
Protoss from StarCraft.
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock from The Big Bang Theory
Minmatar from Eve.
Then Sophie picked a few shirts for him from Hot Topic.
Bioshock. She actually knew what a Big Daddy was... poor nerd child.
MineCraft. We also made him a Creeper shirt (her absolute favorite) but I guess I forgot to get a picture of it.
I made him a minky pillowcase, since the man loves minky.
Yay, Christmas!
Later that day Grandma Tina and the girls came by with another round of gifts.
I'll apologize in advance, I have yet to get pictures of the gifts. I planned to do it the next day... and then Mya came. All our Christmas gifts are still spread about our front room.
I also have yet to finish the gifts for the girls, which were also going to get done the next day. Yay for unexpected labor!
Melissa got Sophie a bag that you can color. She loves it.
Awesome princess Polly Pockets.
We got lots of wonderful stuff from them.
Sophie - Snow suit, gloves, & coat. Tea set that you paint. Shrinky dinks. Piggy bank that you paint. Penguin nighty.
Me - Makeups! Bath gel/spray/lotion. Jewelery. 2 purple sweaters.
Denny - Plaid shirt. tshirt. Monies. Pjs.
Mya - bunches o cute clothes
(Sorry if I forgot anything, I have yet to go back through all the stuff in that room.)
Also a quick thank you to Grandma Horton (Denny's grandma) for the money she sent out. We were able to get a cute carseat. :)
And thank you to my daddy for the money he gave us as well.
Then we headed to Papa's house for dinner.
By then Sophie was a present opening pro, so she assisted them.
The shirt I stenciled for Isaak.
And dad.
Sophie wearing her little Dora snuggie-type thing she got from Papa. Who woulda thought that she'd be a big sister in less than 24 hrs...
Thank you to everyone. Wish you could have all been here. Hope everyone had wonderful a Christmas as well. :)