Last Thursday we took Sophie to her first big nerd event. The Video Games Live Concert came to Ogden, and we just had to go. Despite the fact that it was Hell finding the stupid place, the concert was actually pretty nifty. They had an orchestra and choir to recreate the music from popular video games. They even brought out an electric guitar near the end to play songs from Halo. Denny loved the entire thing, he was like a little kid in a candy store. My favorite part was when an Asian boy came out and played the piano. First he played music he had written, I think it was for one of the Final Fantasy games. Then he was blindfolded and played music from the Mario Brothers. It was pretty cool. I can't remember all the games, but here are some of the ones I remember.
-Final Fantasy
-World of Warcraft
-Space Invaders
- Zelda
-Mario Brothers
-Final Fantasy
-World of Warcraft
-Space Invaders
- Zelda
-Mario Brothers
Anyway. We plan on going back whenever they come to the area again. It was a blast. Hope you all get the chance to go sometime.