Friday, February 22, 2008

Update on Sophie

Hello All!
Sophie and I will be going to visit my mom this Sunday, out in Tahoe. We are going to get pictures taken at the mall in Reno, so I will post those when we get home.
Our baby girl is doing wonderful with her milestones! She can already hold her head up, if you help her to sit up. She is VERY alert, and looks at everything. She smiles so much, and gets excited when she sees mommy or daddy. She is also "talking" a lot more.
I got some of those Baby Einstein videos and she is just fascinated by them. She will sit there in my lap and watch the entire 30 minutes of the movie. Those little baby books will keep her attention too.
She is very strong. When we lay her down and put a hand at her feet, she can push off and scoot her way across the bed. Kicking is one of her favorite things to do right now. I normally lay her down by me and let her go at my leg for a good half an hour every day. She likes to grab her little ears too.
Just so you know, the slide shows on the side of the page are little photo albums, you can click on them to see the full sized pictures. You can also download or print the pictures. We will change those pictures every now and then. Don't worry, I will keep all the pictures saved on our other website. This one will just give us a chance to write blogs to keep you updated on our family.
You can also comment the pictures and blogs. If you have problems with it just email me. :)
